Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Summer is kicking my butt.  I am not complaining, because poolside umbrella drinks and fireflies on my courtyard patio are pretty fantastic.  But for some reason I am not basking in rays of sunshine and frolicking in parks.  Here’s why – there is no structure.  And I need a little structure.  Most of us do if we are honest.  I definitely need some days with no plans or agendas. It keeps me flexible and real. But mostly I need a cadence, a rhythm I can dance to that feels comfortable.  And my dance right now feels like EDM on crack. (Ask a teenager what EDM is if you don’t know).

So on my list of things to do (yes, structure), I’ve made a top priority to simplify.  Part of not having any structure usually means I’ve got too many other things in the way.  It's like pulling weeds, cleaning out the closet, organizing the pantry, or any other metaphor I can think of that represents “making space” or “letting go of what is no longer needed or useful.” This is hard, because I sometimes can’t see what might be in the way.  Things that seem completely harmless might actually be taking up space in my heart, mind, and life that something else I need more could fill.  So….(big deep breath)…I’m taking social media off my phone for awhile.  I find myself checking between errands, clients, in the grocery line, at red lights, every mother lovin’ minute I can.  And it’s not necessary all the time. I love good articles, seeing people’s photos, and the connection with others. It helps me not feel alone.  I mean, don’t we all post and comment so we can feel connected, heard, seen? But I’m realizing I want deeper connection - with myself and others. And I don’t necessarily want all of facebook and instagramland to have all the precious and delicate moments of my family.  What if I used more of my “social media checker time” actually engaging the present moment I’m in – dip my toe in the river by my house, watch the bird in my courtyard, or talk to the son sitting right next to me.  I’m sure I’ll be back to social world, because it truly does have its perks. But right now, I’m simplifying.  And it’s not necessary for this season. 

After creating space, I do things that put me back in touch with myself. That’s SUPER hard for me to do, because that never feels productive in the moment.  I can check off with confidence that I’ve gotten groceries, but it’s pretty subjective whether or not I’ve tended to my heart. And it’s not something I can check off, because it has to happen every day.  I put it on my list and groan – oh, there’s that self-care thing again – how do I check that off? What do I even need? But what I’ve learned over and over again is this care for myself – my oxygen mask – actually makes me more productive in the long run. So just do it, my list-checking friends.  Your family and everyone around you actually need you to care for yourself too. 

I am not sure yet what my simplifying season holds or what it will look like.  I just know it is necessary.  This is most likely part 1 of a 2 part blog.  So I’ll check back after I’ve learned more about it and myself in itIn the meantime…

~What does simplifying your life look like?

~Do you need structure? Why or why not?

~What do you need to “let go of” in order to create more space in your life?  Keep in mind, depending what it is, it might just be for this season or it might be forever.  

~How do you tend to your heart, care for yourself, rest?

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