Friday, July 23, 2010

Serving Together

Just got back from journey #3 to Haiti. Todd was with me this time, so it was a new experience for both of us. It was insanely cool to take a trip like that with my spouse. We've walked on beaches and toured beautiful cities, but there is a new beauty in sweating through 100 degree weather together with precious Haitian children grasping every available piece of clothing on you. I looked over to see him playing dominoes, and even through his sweat and old t-shirt I asked him to toss forever ago, I had never wanted to hug him so much. He was such a picture of a real man to me. Sadly, these children do not get attention and love from a male figure very often, so he must have been like an angel to them. As a couple, we support the cause of Sweet Sleep ( and caring for orphans. I encourage you and your partner to support and serve a cause you believe in together. You might just find more admiration for each other as you love others together.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful - you are doing great things!! I love reading your posts!
